Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Shopping Report 10/1/08

I am pledging to do a better job of reporting my purchases this month, the great deals, and all the rest too. Hopefully this will not only give me a better opportunity to review my spending, but give others some in site too.
but first . . . .
Glade Deal ending soon! 10/4/08! As I originally reported HERE buy a Glade scented gel warmer and get a $2 OYNO catalina. Today these are ringing up at $1 at Giant PA, $1.57 at Acme, $1.99 at Genuardis (didn't bother there). And there are B1G1 printable coupons at and HERE . I have had greatly enjoyed this catalina deal!

ok now back to the 'report'
First stop Genuardis

Admittedly, I haven't been in Genuardi's for awhile. But top on hubbies Christmas list was the Iron Man DVD, and though the ad lacks details, if you spend $40 on selected items you get the DVD for free.
Also note on the bottom of the Genuardis receipt there is a code for your school/ charity to receive 10%, you can enter it yourself, or give it to the schoool/charity to do. I entered mine and the school got $.29!

I got
3 Scrubbing Bubbles Flushable Wipes @ $3.29 = $9.87
6 Glade Plugs In Oil Warmers @ $5.79 = $34.74
Total $44.61 ( I should have only gotten 2 Scrubbing Bubbles)
Less Coupons
3 B1G1 Glade Plug Ins @ $5.49 = -$16.47
Scrubbing Bubbles @ $3.00 = -$3.00

Out of Pocket Cost $27.82 and I received a coupon for Free Iron Man DVD, which I promptly redeemed.

Savings at Genuardis $39,46

Next Stop Giant PA

This week my store has Triples up to $.99 face value, you need the coupons from the ad, I believe there are 5, but even they didn't get me too excited about deals.

I got:

1 Fiber One Chewy Bar @ $2.34
1 Nature Valley Granola Bar @ $2.33
8 Glade Gel Plug Ins @ $1.00 = $8.00

4 Glade B1G1 -$4.00
1 Nature Valley -$.50 (x3) = -$1.50
1 Fiber One -$.50 (x3) = -$1.50

Out of Pocket $6.16

Savings $12.27

Received $16 in OYNO Glade Catalinas

Last Stop


ACME has still has their confusing by $10 worth of select items and get an instant $3 off, but I did enough of that deal yesterday, didn't do any of it today.
But I did do the buy 5 boxes of select cereals for at 5 for $10 and get a coupon for a FREE gallon of milk.
2 Apple Cinnamon Cheerios @$2 = $4.00
2 Kix @ $2 = $4.00
1 Cheerios @ $2
1/2 pound Creta Bologna $2.85
1 Creta Meat coupon -$2
1 Cheerios Coupon $.55 (x2) -$1.10
2 Apple Cinnamon Cheerios @ $.75 (x2) -$3.00
2 Kix @ $.75 -$3.00
(all the cereal coupons are printables at
Out of pocket $3.75
Savings $17.11
and received coupon for free gallon of milk!
FYI my normal goal for cereal is under $.50 a box, I will give allowance for FREE milk though.
Today's out of pocket $29.37
Savings $68.84
And I still have $16 in OYNO catalinas and a coupon for a free gallon of milk

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